Life Skills for Student: A Guiding Light for their Bright Future.

Life Skills for Student: A Guiding Light for their Bright Future.

Academic excellence is what the entire student & parent groups aim for. With the growing popularity of a globalised education more CBSE international board schools are resorting to new techniques to impart life skills to student community. Well-planned co-curricular, integrated curriculums, and experiential learning are a few of the most influencing elements that can drive holistic growth for students. Most times, it is a combination of all the above factors that helps them inculcate essential life skills. This blog will throw light on the need and benefits of schools teaching life skills to student groups.

What and why does teaching life skills to students enhance his/her capability?

Life skills are abilities and attributes of students that enable them to effectively navigate the learning journey, socialise, and manage challenges. Many of the top 10 schools in Madurai teach life skills to the student to prepare them with the knowledge & tools needed to manage various challenges in their lives, like health, finances, relationships, communication & time management. These skills are extremely important for students to navigate & succeed in the modern world and by teaching & practising these skills in schools they will develop the abilities and be prepared to make informed decisions, fix & achieve goals, and manage their personal & professional lives effectively. Furthermore, students who learn life skills can become more self-sufficient, self-aware, and resilient. A few key reasons for building life skills in student in their early years include:

  • Developing life skills during their age can help students easily imbibe cognitive, emotional, & social skills, which they need to thrive.
  • Life skills for student is his/her armour. By learning to manage themselves better, they eventually grow into composed individuals with the ability to work successfully in both academic & social settings
  • The top 10 schools in Madurai, such as Queen Mira have established unique initiatives that transform children into independent & curious individuals. These two aspects will determine their greater success in future years
  • QMIS which is the best school in Madurai has an integrated curriculum embedded with nourishing activities for all students starting from kindergarten grades. The perfect phase is when children begin to form identities and acknowledge their interests.
  • The top CBSE international board schools like Queen Mira let students experience diversity and embrace it by providing them with a collaborative environment & different real-life activities. So, they learn to manage stress and adversity.
  • When the best school in Madurai, Queen Mira prioritises & teaches life skills to student, they begin at an early phase, to bridge the gap between traditional teaching and practical application. So, the students are well-trained from when they are in primary classes with problem-solving and creative skills.
  • It is worth noting that imparting life skills is a continuous & effective process so the top schools in Madurai like QMIS have a varied range of enrichment programs & events to boost the varied capabilities of the students.

Effective practises for building life skills for student.

Some of the activities/approaches through which the top CBSE international board schools teach life skills.  

  • By incorporating life skills education into the core subjects & classes. By teaching budgeting & money management in a math class, or building time management & organisation skills in a language arts class.
  • By offering life skills training as elective classes or programs. For instance, a class on team bonding, managing personal finance, academic planning, or home management.
  • Real-life projects and experiences will enable students to work on a project that entails them collaborating with peers, setting goals, brainstorming ideas, and managing their time effectively.
  • Schools introduce & encourage participation in community service activities and volunteering opportunities. This experience can help them to develop empathy, good communication, teamwork, & problem-solving skills.
  • QMIS, commended as the best school in Madurai incorporates counselling & coaching to extend academic support, has older students tutor younger students, and trained teachers offer individualised counselling to help students learn specific life skills.

‘Life skills for student’ – a core principle at Queen Mira International School, Madurai.

It is worth noting that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution and so QMIS schools work best for the specific needs and capabilities of its students. Through the school’s holistic curriculum & interactive classroom techniques, which are closely linked to life skill development, students’ personalities and mindsets are moulded from an early age to manoeuvre future academic & personal challenges. QMIS provides the best learning ground for experiential & collaborative learning, allowing students to make the best out of the school’s value-based education approach. Queen Mira’s integrated 3 B curriculum, Student Enrichment Programs, STEAM sessions, varied art clubs & co-curricular, and innumerable opportunities pave the way for them to inculcate the key life skills. Further, the school’s international education set-up is a concise road map to access, bond, and learn from a global network.

Students at QMIS explore excellence at multi-dimension levels & easily develop reflective habits with the help of the school’s pragmatic learning approach to emerge as intellectual leaders. It is for these reasons that QMIS is celebrated as the best international school in Madurai. Visit the school website for the admission details and their other transformational techniques.

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