Grooming Leaders of Tomorrow: QMIS’s Initiatives for Character Development of Students.

Grooming Leaders of Tomorrow: QMIS’s Initiatives for Character Development of Students.

It takes years and the collective efforts of the school and parents to shape the character of a child. So, some of the best schools in India offer flexibility in the learning experiences through holistic learning and by embedding the much-needed co-curricular activities in the student’s daily schedule to shape their personality and leverage their potential. So, the submissive kids grow up imbibing decision-making skills and being empowered to choose their line of interest. The best schools in India with an international curriculum provide immersive & innovative opportunities for students to explore through learning, to emerge as potential leaders. This blog will highlight the imperativeness of character development of students and how some of the best schools in India make it happen.

How do the best schools in India achieve character development of students?

Experiential learning: When students are given opportunities to work on projects exposing them to real-world problems, they feel empowered & begin to think out of the box, learn to work together, empathize with their peers, and also come up with the most intelligent & appropriate solutions. The results of these projects recognize the students’ positive perspectives and traits, inspiring them to explore atypical avenues.

Focus on holistic growth: If you search for the ‘best CBSE schools near me’, from the results & reviews you will realise it is at the renowned schools that true learning happens organically. Schools like QMIS adopt techniques to align the challenge at hand with the student’s strengths & limitations. Character development of students, germs from holistic growth. This can be achieved by establishing synergistic activities that test & encourage confident thinkers.

Vast & varied learning resources: Availability & accessibility to extensive resources, beyond the classroom curriculum will set the creative wheels of the students running. Learning resources with ample choices are a great support that to help students build their research ability & synthesize ideas. When young minds are given the liberty & resources to pursue their areas of interest, it refines the students’ character and boosts their curiosity.

Extracurricular activities: Schools that enable workshops, clubs, and physical training programs as a part of the student’s everyday learning, help them evolve emotionally and intellectually. You might be looking for the ‘best CBSE Schools near me’ that have such exclusive extracurricular activities that facilitate the character development of students, well Queen Mira International School in Madurai is your perfect choice then. The school lets students follow their passion, & seek excellence in different art forms, thereby boosting their confidence, teaching them perseverance, & acknowledging their competence.

Field or adventure trips: Alongside the joyful learning experience and connecting with friends & teachers, school field trips facilitate multifaceted learning which is subtle and effective. These fun-filled exploration trips along with mentor talks, and discussions with field experts/professionals can prove to be an eye-opener for young minds.

Balanced assessment methods: Providing several activities and open-ended assignments must be a part of the student’s evaluation, to accurately gauge the potential & constraints of the students. Not just the mastery over the core subject, but also the child’s way of expressing must be evaluated. Along with time-bound activities, individual & group assignments with timelines help students to learn strategy-building & collaboration skills.

Why is QMIS hailed as one of the best CIS accredited schools?

Queen Mira International School, Madurai is one of the first to be given CIS accredited schools in India. The school is a pioneer in introducing practices that promote collaborative learning, interactive classrooms, & a value-based education for the student community.  

The school’s Digital Citizenship Committee encourages responsible and creative use of technology, empowering & acknowledging the young content creators. Digital excellence isn’t just about using the latest technology, it is when students understand & realise the effective, creative, and responsible use of technology.

Through its Global Citizenship committee, the school motivates students to embrace, respect, & celebrate diversity in all forms. Being aware of and understanding the world beyond themselves, students develop international perspectives and aim to be part of a peaceful & sustainable world. Students from all age groups, get to participate in social activities on a regular basis.

By demonstrating values of compassion, respect & acceptance of diverse cultures, people, and beliefs, students learn to embrace cultural differences & commonalities. The Global Citizenship programme at QMIS empowers learners to assume active roles in facing & alleviating social challenges. When character development of students truly happens, they learn to take proactive & personal responsibility for creating a peaceful & sustainable world, by sorting issues interdependently.

QMIS strongly believes in learning beyond the classroom to achieve the character development of students. So, the management has carefully integrated robust academia, sports workshops, and art clubs, student-driven classes, digital and social committees, for the successful character development of students. Queen Mira, Madurai has indisputably been the pioneer in introducing innovative extra-curricular clubs and events to ensure holistic development of the students and for them to emerge as change makers. Visit the school website to learn more about the school’s thoughtful initiatives and to know more about the admission details.

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