Heightened Linguistic Skills For a Sharper Intellect: Know the Secrets of the Top Schools in Madurai

Did you know that 7% of our country’s population is trilingual and a 5-year-old has the ability to learn & understand up to 5 languages?

“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” – Vikram Seth (Indian author)

How many of us hesitate before asking for help from a salesperson, change amount that a shopkeeper owes us, or at the bank/college counter? Do you think it is due to a lack of language skills? You might be surprised to know that the reason is poor communication skills that make us hesitate before approaching a stranger.

Well, language learning is one interesting means to enter a new world and also ace a foreign language. Now imagine the extent of curiosity and knowledge that will be unlocked if young children are introduced to a foreign language. Some of the top schools in Madurai offer a new language even for KG grades for the very same reason. This blog will explore the many benefits of kids learning a new language and how the best schools in India help children linguistically evolve.

Have you wondered how children learn languages so fast?

Children are born with an instinctive knowledge of the way languages work. According to the theory of “universal grammar”, children when exposed to a specific language, will be able to fill in the details around the language’s sounds and how words are used, making them fast & effective learners. To supplement this theory, another states that when one reaches puberty, language learners tend to lose access to the mechanisms of a language.

So, children learn faster because they can retain the learning mechanisms. Further, the robust teaching methods of the top schools in Madurai also influence the child’s learning speed & effectiveness. Just as any new endeavor gains popularity during the Vijayadasami admission in schools, a new language learning has also joined the trend. So, the best schools in India like Queen Mira offer a new language learning program at the time of KG school admission.

Related: How do the top schools in Madurai help balance schoolwork & social life?

Benefits of language learning by the top schools in Madurai.

As the Vijayadasami admission in schools gains momentum, a greater number of schools are focusing on teaching a new language. Learning a new language is an armour that the child can adorn even as he/she enters adolescence. It will provide them with the platform to understand the world from a new perspective & encourage diversity with grace.

The top schools in Madurai help students function with a sense of empathy at a crucial growth phase, it opens up new paths to academic and professional success in a globalized workplace. So, the top schools in Madurai, beginning from a KG school admission to Grade 12 include language learning in their school routine.

Below are a few benefits of introducing your child to a new language from the time of KG school admission

  • Exposure to new languages improves empathy: Exposure to new cultures and beliefs improves the child’s cultural sensitivity. This kind of empathy shapes them into a fine personality.
  • Multilingualism offers a few health benefits: Delayed onset of dementia and increased cognitive reserve. Some of the top schools in Madurai also emphasize that it helps in shaping individuals with curiosity & critical-thinking skills.
  • Broadens the child’s views of the world: Whether you are looking at a KG school admission or a college interview, when one is exposed to a new language, one will be able to understand the world in new ways.
  • Boosts their communication skills: When a child/adult is fluent in a language & its associated beliefs then communication is effective & happens organically.
  • Children are at a learning advantage: Children with lesser inhibitions and with simpler minds can pick up the nuances of a language quicker than adults. So, the top schools in Madurai include a new language for the KG classes as well.
  • Multilingualism is linked to better earning potential: As distant as it seems, multilingualism does offer a wider pool of accessible jobs and skillsets.

As parents are on the lookout for Vijayadasami admission in schools for their children, the top schools in Madurai are also gearing up to welcome a new batch of curious minds. Queen Mira International School in Madurai, which is applauded as one of the best schools in India has lined up with several exciting initiatives exclusively for KG school admission. Visit the school website to know all about the unmissable fee structures & offers for this Vijayadasami.

Vijayadasami Admissions Open Now